First, a warning. You will be downloading in-progress code which
may contain major bugs. If you pay attention to the devloper
mailing list, you might have a better general idea of the code stability.
If you are still interested, you must perform the two steps
below: download and compile. |
Building SoleSeek is a two-step process. First, you must download (or
update) a local copy of the source code from the SourceForge's
CVS source control system. Second, you need to compile and run the
system. While this process is not too terribly difficult to an
experienced computer user, it is not very straightforward to a
novice. If you are unable to download or compile the code, we
unfortunately do not have the resources to help you. A good reference
book or website for CVS or ProjectBuilder is always handy. Do a
quick Google search if you need to locate one.
CVS Download
This requires a command line shell. Open the Terminal app in
"Applications/Utilities ."
To check out a fresh copy, first ensure that a SoleSeek directory does not
already exist in your home directory. If so, delete it.
Next you will need to anonymously log into the SourceForge CVS
server using the command:
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/soleseek login
CVS will ask you for a password. Just hit return to enter the required blank
password. Finally, check out the code using:
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/soleseek co SoleSeek
If you already have a local copy, you can update the code by first
changing into the directory with:
cd SoleSeek
Then, grab the latest code with:
cvs update
The files will now be downloaded. Open a Finder window and locate the
directory. Double-click on the file SoleSeek.pbproj. This will open the
project in ProjectBuilder. To build, click on the hammer icon. Once you have
built the project, you can find the SoleSeek application in the subfolder
"build," located in the same directory as SoleSeek.pbproj.
It is STRONGLY recommended that you open the System Console application
before launching SoleSeek. See the FAQ for how to
do this.